New possibilities for the pharmaceutical industry

The market situation

Promising …

  • The global market for pharmaceutical products grew by about 6.9 percent every year since 2014. It`s going to grow to approximately 1.61 trillion $ in 2018. (EIU, Deloitte)

… but challenging

  • Rapid growth of counterfeit products: about 8 to 15 percent of all pharmaceutical products sold worldwide per year are counterfeits (WHO)
  • Increasing competition because of generics
  • Strict cost control programs by insurance companies and providers (price control, pro-generic policy, results-based care)
  • More empowered patients: informed, opinionated, price conscious, less loyal, …

Rising opportunity: mobile devices and the cloud

  • Bringing patients, pharmaceutical companies, and physicians closer together than ever before
  • Consumers assume a better control over their health via apps, wearables and sensors
  • Physicians get mobile data access and receive patients’ electronic health data stream (from EHRs, self monitoring tools) to optimize care

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NFC-enabled pharmaceutical products

  • Can authenticate themselves
    Unique IDs and cloud services
  • Can be traced
    Document history and origin
  • Can share information and interact
    Locally stored or via cloud
  • Follow their product life cycle
    • Ingredients
    • Temperature state
    • How to use
    • Reminders/refill alerts
    • Dates of expiry

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NFC to ensure product safety and integrity

  • Product verification nearly in real-time, everywhere in the world (anti-counterfeiting)
  • Visibility into illegitimate product movements (grey market control)
  • Tamper-proof seal
8 to 15 percent of all pharmaceutical products sold worldwide every year are counterfeits (WHO)

More patients engagement because of NFC

  • A never before possible bi-directional communication channel to guide and educate patients
  • Easy and instant access to product information (text, audio, video)
  • 24/7-services to help patients via apps and websites
  • Connections to doctors (hotlines, patient forums, …)
  • Service optimization through situation analysis
There are significant gaps between services patients want and those they receive. (Accenture, US)

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NFC to support adherence to treatment

  • Patients get reminders for the correct dosage
  • Pharmaceutical companies can receive adherence data for results-based care
  • Physicians can monitor and follow up the therapy
More than 50 percent of of chronic disease patients do not adhere to therapy (WHO). This often leads to hospitalizations.

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NFC-enabled smart blisters

  • Smart blisters are working with an NFC-enabled phone and apps
  • Active blister with battery: senses whether a pill has been taken out of the blister and logs date and time
  • Inactive without battery: senses which pill has been taken in current blister

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NFC-enabled product delivery devices

  • NFC-enabled smartphones and apps in conjunction with smart drug delivery devices
  • NFC-tagged inhalers, injection pens etc. for dosage monitoring, logging time and doses

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NFC for pharmacovigliance

  • Pharmaceutical companies can inform patients about illegal channels or recalled products
  • Patients can report side effects to pharmaceutical companies
  • App/back-end system can inform patients about expired products

NFC for an optimal intake program

  • Glucose meters (with NFC readers) utilize NFC-tagged cartridges which use calibration codes to measure blood sugar
  • Adjusted device settings for correct insulin dose based on consumable intake: enhancement of patient safety and efficiency
  • Securing of accurate and timely replacements
"Companies can afford to give away the monitors for free because they make their money from the glucose strips." (Health)

NFC for cold-chain control

  • Temperature monitoring at item level and quality control over the full logistics chain
  • Traceable when and where a cold-chain incident happened; current state is unknown
  • Readout and configuration with NFC-enabled phone, using apps and the cloud
  • Apps and tutorials help patients with the correct handling
The cold chain from the producing company to the pharmacies or to hospitals is ensured. But only about 7 percent of patients know how to maintain the cold chain properly. (University of Utrecht, 2015)

© weyo – Fotolia; © belchonock – Panthermedia.net

Tamper-proof tags

Customer benefit

  • Detection of label relocation
  • Detection if packages have been opened

Product feature

  • The chip sends an alarm if the label is manipulated
  • The tamper alarm bit is a separate bit located in the configuration word
Control loop closed: everything is alright
Control loop open: the chip detects the manipulation and sends a signal

Brand protection

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  • Accurate, automated tracking along the supply chain

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  • Automated detection of unauthorized opening
  • Guarantee of brand protection
  • Locating of unauthorized channel diversions
  • Easy identification of counterfeit products

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